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Grow woad - the most traditional of blue natural dyes, extract blue pigment, dye your own wool with woad indigo & knit a blue scarf and buy woad dye!

Handspun wool dyed with woad  © Mike Roberts - Buy woad dye


Learn more about the Woad plant (Isatis tinctoria), a famous natural dye and source of natural indigo dye, used for several thousand years (see woad history) in Europe and the Middle East. Woad dye extraction produces natural indigo dye from the dark blue-green, spinach-like woad leaves. Buy woad pigment here.
Customer comments
“'I have been experimenting with spinning my own needlepoint wool and dyeing it with natural dyes.  So far, I am having the time of my life and the wool is actually turning out well.  The dyed wool is fun to use in my needlepoint projects.” Nancy from the United States.

“Just to let you know that the woad has arrived – many thanks for such a super service!” Nicole from

“I received woad today. Thank you!” Lyubov from Kazakhstan.

“Delighted with the woad! Just dyed a huge sheet of linen and it looks amazing, thank you.” Angie Stevens, Swansea

'I just wanted to thank you for this wonderful website. I’ve already harvested the leaves twice and am just filtering the second charge. So far, the yield is about 12-14g per two square meters.'  Alex Wuerkner from Germany


What’s New   



16 Nov

Woad dye sales have now moved to Wild Colours, see also our note on the Woad page.


Holiday news:-

22 Aug

Woad orders: We are on a short break from Tues 23 August to Sun 4 September. Any orders received after midday on Monday 22 Aug, will be sent out in early September.


Covid news:-

05 Jan

England is in Lockdown from 05 Jan for an extended period. We continue to trade but orders will take longer to pack, ship & arrive!



12 Oct

Shipping: We regret to report that UK 1st class post is often very slow at the moment and some is taking 2 weeks or more! This appears to be especially a problem in London. Some Airmail is also taking a long time and may take 5 to 8 weeks to the US and 3 to 5 weeks or more in Europe.

01 Oct

Covid19: We are in the studio & shipping orders only 2 days a week at the moment, usually Monday & Thursday.


Product news:-

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03 Jun

Woad Dye and Seeds are now available

03 Jun

We are re-opening the Woad catalogs (but part-time)

23 Mar

Coronavirus alert!

earlier Woad version history 2006 - 2019

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Follow Wild Colours for woad & natural dyes on Twitter

Teresinha at
Studio 319, Scott House, The Custard Factory
Gibb St, Birmingham B9 4DT, UK

Contact Teresinha for enquiries on
Tel:      +44 (0)7979 770 865

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UK Shipping £4.95p on orders to £80 in value, free over £80 in UK
[shipping £2.95 on very small orders up to £2.95 in value]
(post to Europe/rest of World - click here)

Last updated on 16 November 2024
Website & photos - Mike Roberts © 2006-22